Membership Application Form

The driving mission is to be a vibrant, professional, independent and representative organisation which empowers its members, who in turn serve the residents in their senior housing facilities.

Please note:
Amounts specified for membership refers to the annual fees.

According to our Constitution all members below have one vote.


Facilities providing services to retired persons.


  • • Three e-mail addresses will receive login details for the members' privileged information on our website and be placed on the mailing list.
  • • The name of the facility will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • • e-mail distribution to members regarding advertisements for vacancies is free of charge.


A1 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 99 or less units - annual membership fee: R1 060,00.

A2 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 100 to 249 units: - annual membership fee: R1 270,00.

A3 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 250 to 399 units - annual membership fee: R1 380,00.

A4 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 400 to 549 units - annual membership fee: R1 460,00.

A5 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 550 and more units - annual membership fee: R1 720,00.

A6 = Old Age Homes/Care Facilities with less than 99 residents - annual membership fee: R430,00.

A7 = Old Age Homes/Care Facilities with more than 100 but less than 199 residents - annual membership fee: R640,00.

A8 = Old Age Homes/Care Facilities with 200 or more residents - annual membership fee - R860,00.


Organisations with several housing/care facilities which functions under a single entity, i.e. head office with housing facilities in various suburbs, towns and cities across South Africa.


  • • Three e-mail addresses at head office and one e-mail per facility will receive login details for the members' privileged information on our website and also be placed on the mailing list.
  • • The name of the head office and facilities will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • • e-mail distribution to members regarding advertisements for vacancies is free of charge. Annual membership fee: R1 060,00 for entity plus R60,00 per facility.

Fees - R920,00 for the entity and R60 per facility.


Any legal person who has an interest in providing a service to the retirement industry.


  • • Three e-mail addresses will receive login details for the members' privileged information on our website and be placed on the mailing list.
  • • The logo of the facility will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • • All members are, on a regular basis and in different ways, encouraged to utilize the services of Corporate Members.

Annual membership fee: R3 000,00.


Individuals (not service/product providers or residents of retirement/care facilities) with an interest in the retirement industry.


• Members will receive login details for the members' privileged information on our website and also be placed on the mailing list.

• The members name will be placed on our website and added to our database.

Annual membership fee: R420,00.

Kindly complete the form below and submit:

Contact details: Entity

Contact details: Persons. (Required for website member login and distribution of information)

First person details:

Second person details - Optional:

Third person details - Optional:

Independent Living   | Assisted Living   | Mid Care   | Memory/Frail Care   | Other   

Application completed by:

Security Code
  • • An invoice will be issued upon receipt of application.
  • • Once the invoice is paid, a receipt will be issued.
  • • Paid-up members will receive a password to gain access to privileged information on our website.
  • • Paid-up members will be placed on our database and mailing list.