What Is Available To You?

1. Information is Power!
  • The Information and Knowledge base of the ASC is unique and the most comprehensive one ever developed in South Africa. Literally every aspect or piece of information that will ever be needed is available on our website.
  • Information deals with all legislation relevant to the managing of a retirement housing facility;
  • The interlocking of relevant legislation;
  • The application of regulations through best practice and codes of conduct; and
  • Updated information as needed.

  1. The Information and Knowledge base of the ASC is unique and the most comprehensive one ever developed in South Africa. Literally every aspect or piece of information that will ever be needed is available on our website.
  2. We will conduct four members’ meetings per year. Meetings will be held online at pre-determined times and venues.
  3. The Association is managed according to our Constitution.
  4. The Association belongs to the members.
  5. Management is involved in developing new legislation for retirement housing facilities industry and co-opts knowledgeable members in the process.
  6. The membership of ASC will be comprehensive as it will comprise, not only retirement facilities, but also, among others:
  • Non-profit organizations and companies or Trusts that may not only provide housing but also care services;
  • Professionals such as lawyers, auditors, engineers, etc;
  • Individuals with an interest in the industry;
  • Entities such as developers, managing agents, care agencies, etc; and
  • Key strategic partners such as research institutes, universities, lobby organizations and parastatals such as the Consumer Council, SA Human Rights Commission, Estate Agency Board, etc.
  • Thus, the ASC wishes to become the most representative body for the whole retirement housing industry.

8. Training requirements are identified, and workshop and training opportunities will be available.

9. Research on relevant needs is done on a range of subjects in order to provide information to or advise members.

10. Online facility for meetings and training is available.

2.2 Memberships

According to our Constitution, all members below have a right to vote.

When completing your application form, select the description best suited for your organisation:


Facilities providing services to retired persons.


  • Three e-mail addresses will receive login details for the members’ privileged information on our website and be placed on the mailing list.
  • The name of the facility will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • e-mail distribution to members regarding advertisements for vacancies is free of charge.


A1 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 99 or less units - annual membership fee: R1 060,00.

A2 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 100 to 249 units: - annual membership fee: R1 270,00.

A3 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 250 to 399 units - annual membership fee: R1 380,00.

A4 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 400 to 549 units - annual membership fee: R1 460,00.

A5 = Lifestyle/Retirement Villages with 550 and more units - annual membership fee: R1 720,00.

A6 = Old Age Homes/Care Facilities with less than 99 residents - annual membership fee: R430,00.

A7 = Old Age Homes/Care Facilities with more than 100 but less than 199 residents - annual membership fee: R640,00.

A8 = Old Age Homes/Care Facilities with 200 or more residents - annual membership fee - R860,00.


Organisations with several housing/care facilities which functions under a single entity, i.e. head office with housing facilities in various suburbs, towns and cities across South Africa.


  • Three e-mail addresses at head office and one e-mail per facility will receive login details for the members’ privileged information on our website and also be placed on the mailing list.
  • The name of the head office and facilities will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • e-mail distribution to members regarding advertisements for vacancies is free of charge.

Annual membership fee: R1 060,00 for entity plus R60,00 per facility.


Any legal person who has an interest in providing a service to the retirement industry, i.e. (but not limited to):

  • Care agencies
  • Managing agents
  • Lawyers
  • Developers
  • Medical professions
  • Funeral services
  • Banking and Investment services
  • Insurance companies
  • Security services
  • Security maintenance services, i.e. CCTV, electrical fences, access control, etc
  • IT and website services
  • Garden services
  • Cleaning services
  • Food suppliers
  • Recycling services
  • General maintenance services, i.e. electricians and plumbers
  • Occupational safety
  • Manpower specialists and labour law specialists
  • Bookkeepers and auditors
  • Energy saving specialists
  • Any other service provider who identifies an opportunity to do business with members of the Association.


  • Three e-mail addresses at head office and one e-mail per facility will receive login details for the members’ privileged information on our website and also be placed on the mailing list.
  • The name of the head office and facilities will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • e-mail distribution to members regarding advertisements for vacancies is free of charge.

Annual fee: R3 000,00


Individuals (not service/product providers or residents of retirement/care facilities) with an interest in the retirement industry.

D1 = Individual persons with an interest in the retirement industry

D2 = Owners of a single care home with 10 or less residents

Annual membership fee for both categories: R300,00


  • Three e-mail addresses at head office and one e-mail per facility will receive login details for the members’ privileged information on our website and also be placed on the mailing list.
  • The name of the head office and facilities will be placed on our website and added to our database.
  • e-mail distribution to members regarding advertisements for vacancies is free of charge.

Annual fee: R420,000


1. Complete the attached application form here.

2. An invoice will be issued upon approval of your application.

3. Paid-up members will receive a password to access privileged information on our website.

4. Paid-up members will be placed on our database to receive correspondence from the association.